brains »

Can We Have Brain-to-Brain Communication And Will The Internet Become Sentient?

Paul O'Flaherty 0

Dr. Michio Kaku talks about brain-to-brain communication, recording videos of your thoughts and the fears of science fiction.

There’s no doubt that the internet is creating what is called an intelligent planet, that is, the skin of the planet earth is becoming a network by which intelligent creatures communicate with each other. But that’s just the first step. Some people think that the next step in the coming decades is not going to be the internet. It’s going to be Brain Net because we’re at the point now where we can actually connect computers to the living mind. In fact, I was just at Berkeley a few weeks ago where I had a demonstration of this: we can actually create videos of your thoughts. These videos are not perfectly accurate, but I saw a demonstration in a laboratory at Berkeley where you can actually see in a video screen what people are thinking.

Brain Cupcakes - Cherry Vanilla Zombie Treats

Paul O'Flaherty 0

Perfect for whenever your inner zombie gets the munchies.

Perfect for Halloween parties! Vanilla cupcakes with chunks of maraschino cherries, cherry vanilla butter cream frosting and brain cupcake toppers made with Lindt white chocolate painted with cocoa butter.

Layout Of A Geeks Brain

Paul O'Flaherty 0

More than most of the population, geeks have some very highly developed areas of the brain but this does come at the cost of having some of the more important areas significantly reduced in size.

Rubick’s Cube For Brainiacs

Paul O'Flaherty 0

Or at least for those with a brain fetish. Soon to be released by Jason Freeny, this version of the Rubik’s Cube may leave you feeling a little squeamish.


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