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Categorizing Mother Nature

Paul O'Flaherty 0

Classifications and meanings for the biologists in the crowd to have a giggle at, or anybody that had even basic biology in high school.

I’m not sure “Genus” is spelled like that though

Video Games And People Talking (Chart)

Paul O'Flaherty 0

Every damn time, and what are your options, go back and replay the last part so you can get to the cutscene again? That’ll only make invite the same behavior again.

Ill Tempered Birds

Paul O'Flaherty 0

This may well be the most blatant Angry Birds knock-off I’ve seen to date.

Ill Tempered Birds

Starry Night Batman Tattoo

Paul O'Flaherty 0

Called “Starry Night over the Gotham City” this awesome ink was done by Dominika Gardockaof Skorpion Sosnowiec tattoo studio in Poland, and features a blending of the Dark Knight with Vincent Van Gogh’s “Starry Night”.

Batman Starry Night Tattoo


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